Dungeon Monsters

Dungeon Monster is a free to play dungeon crawler game available on iOS and Android.
In this game you collect monsters that you can get by fighting into hundreds of dungeons.

By leveling your monsters, fusionning them, you can build a powerful and balanced team.


I was part of the small company (8 people) called ManaCube. My role in this game was mainly to conceive and develop the UI.
The game being oriented around collectible monsters, the UI was an important part of the game from:

  • Forming teams
  • Inviting other players monsters.
  • Make animation for Monster Level Up, Evolution and Fusion.

Another important role I had was to put in place the server side logic of the game with:

  • Cloud saving.
  • Anti-cheat system.
  • Social system with messages, ally invitation.
  • Play on Android :
  • Play on iOS :


  • C# / Unity (Client)
  • Javascript, Parse.js (Server)